Infrastructure quality in Montenegro is rated at 2.84. It indicates a satisfactory quality - roads, railways, ports and other facilities are capable of handling significant traffic at any time, and are also suitable for various types of transport vehicles and ships.
In Montenegro, 100% of the population has access to electricity. There are 10,088 internet hosts in Montenegro. Montenegro has 5 airports nationwide.
The logistics performance index of Montenegro is 2.88. It indicates satisfactory performance - in general, traffic is handled well, some shortcomings in certain areas are possible, but overall the logistics system is reliable and ready to handle predictable traffic volumes.
Tracking options for shipments are rated at 2.76. It indicates satisfactory performance - the tracking systems provide all the basic information, as well as additional data about shipments; Mostly it also has a well-established cooperation with foreign and international tracking systems and usually offers information in several languages.